Monday, February 9, 2009

the holocost

My theme is about the holocost is about hitler killing all jews anb that was buring world war two anb it is very sad because many jews were killed or sent to the constration camps to work anb died in the gas chambers in the creamatorem there was so mush death that it was snowing aches the kids were killed instantly because they were not good enofe for lador so the nazies killed all the kids some went in hiding like anna frank who hid in the secret anxs. that is why they call it the holocaust because there was a lot of killing . many of them were sent to auschwitz witch is the bigest camp in the world they killed 1.6 billion jews and anna franck's family is one of the ten jews to go there otofranck is one of the srvors of auscgwitz anb he was so sad not to see his fanily alive anb well he found anna franck's diary anb puplshed it to tell there story in hiding.


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